I watched the sun rise at 5:38. The route up the bay first passed a couple fairly
large islands, past this light at Hope Island, then headed in a
NorthWest direction for over 60 miles of open water.
There were some waves, and fairly quickly we were
getting spray over the windshield. I closed all the hatches and continued.
The boat rode fairly comfortably, the wind was almost directly on the nose. I amused
myself by keeping a log, watching the instruments, and generally keeping a watch.
The autopilot worked OK, but I'm still not convinced its completely right.
As I aproached Cabot Head I began to get concerned over the fuel use. It is still
only drawing from the port tank, and by the time I reached Tobermory the gauge was
bouncing on the bototm.
But I made it to Big Tub marina just in time to fuel up before it closed. 218 liters,
but on this run up to about 2.5 gal per hour. I was pusing it to 2500 rpm to hold
10 mph all day, a total run of 9.9 hours
This is the light at the entrance to Tobermory
After a short walk I decided it was time to have a look at the fuel line problem. I opened
the engine hatch and shut off the port tank. The engine continued to run fine, so I know there is
no clog in the lines, its simply a matter of pulling the fuel over the path of least resistance.
I intend to change the valves to someting I can control from above the engine hatch. I also
changed the Racor fuel filter, after about 50 hours it was rather black. I mamaged to drop
a wrench into the lowest part of the bilge, under the engine. |
This bit of grafitti was painted here in about 1965. The Katherine II was
the first big boat I sailed, a 65 ft gaff topsail yawl, built in 1891. It was owned
by a very good friend, Joe Pica. He often ran to Tub with groups of Sea Scouts, and
I recall him telling me about this painting, but it was quite a pleasant memory
to see it. It was partly those memories of Joe and the Katherine II sails in
Gerogian Bay that helped me decided to take this route. |
A quiet night in Big Tub, I was up again at 5:00 AM. Just in time for a good
thunderstorm. I watched it pass, then walked over the the Coast Guard Station and asked
to see a weather map. The storm that had just passed seemed to be the last one, so I
decided to head out.
The first couple hours were a bit breezy but that soon died, leaving a confused and
lumpy sea. It was unconfortable rolling and wallowing, but the boat maintained the
10 mph.
By late morning it flatened out and this is what it looked like. |
I had intended to stop at Kincardine, but when I passed there it was just 12:45 and
since the water was very flat I decided to take advantage of the calm and go to
Goderich, another 35 miles. This made a total days runs of 11.1 hours and 110 miles.
I was a bit tired, but its good to have that distance behind me. |
I had dinner in a small restaurant down by the freighter docks, then a quiet night in the
marina. I awoke about 4:30, couldn't get back to sleep, so I headed out- started the engine at 5:05AM
I will spend tomorrow ( Friday, June 10) doing some 'boat keeping' chores, cleaning, looking
at the fuel line problem, etc.
Detroit is having a heat wave- over 90 degrees F when we got to the dock, forecast to
last through the weekend. I expect I'll stay here a couple days, then on to Lake Erie.