South Dakota, into the Badlands

At the exit for the Badlands there is a Minuteman Missle site. This is now a national park, but its closed on the weekends, so we couldnt go in.

Just down the road is a small, private 'museum' of prairie homestead life. This is an actual homestead, lived in for many years, and then turned into an exhibit. We paid our money and went in.

This sign is in the front yard, and we saw plenty of prairie dogs.

Just another mile and we got the first glimpse of the Badlands.

We walked around at several places, but up close and walking they seem to be just hot, dusty hills. The real beauty is looking out over miles of landscape.

The structures of various colored stone from different sediment were of enormous height, all caused by the recession of the inland sea, creating rivers that cut out the stone.

We took a lot of pictures, but they really don't show how steep, and deep, these canyons really are.

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