This model was built from
plans supplied by Jerry E. Howell. I saw him at last years NAMES
show in Detroit. He had his model running on the waste heat from another
model. He claimed his would run on the top of his Computer monitor.
Jerrys plans are very well drawn, using a good CAD system. Each part is well detailed, and a good general assembly drawing is provided along with 2 pages of helpfull notes. His plans are advertised in HOME SHOP MACHINIST magazine. The plans are not expensive, generally about $20. He has a dozen or more engines.
Jerry also sells a partial kit of some special parts for this engine. This includes 2 small, high precision ball bearings, a piece of closed cell foam, a 6" dia plastic tube, and some graphite for the piston and glands. Graphite is interesting to use here, as it is about as low a friction product as you can get. Messy to machine, but easy.
My engine will run on a bowl of hot water, but I haven't got it to run yet on my monitor. Hot air engines are delicate projects, requiring very careful, high precision machining. Fits must be air tight, but cannot be so tight as to have any drag, since the engine doesn't have the power to overcome much drag.
Jerry E. Howell 3980 Becket Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Phone: 719/579-6407, 8:00AM to 4:30PM Mountain Time e-mail
He asks for US$2 for a flyer. Jerry now has a web page at